Purpose: To support the revitalization and rejuvenation of spiritual, educational, and socio economic organizational and institutional networks by integrating holistic practices, trauma informed awareness, and positive self culture to promote and defend the integrity and sanctity of the individual, the family, the community, the nation and the planet.

new & Different

To be inspired means to breathe into oneself the essence from which you were made. To inspire is to breathe into oneself the presence of one’s True and Authentic Self, to fill oneself with the Spirit of Life that knows no separation or feeling of lack or limitation, to be filled only with a true sense of Being and Presence and Connection.

The Kemetic Yogi Basics

Breathwork sequence and modified Tjef Neteru. It's all about breathwork. Allow your breath to move you as it opens the way to higher consciousness.

✓ Lifetime Access
✓ Life Skill Development
✓ Guided Instruction
✓ Flexibility in Learning
✓ Enhanced Well-Being

Free your mind

Stress is the number one killer. If stress is not properly managed, overtime it begins to show up as sickness and dis-ease.

Not only is stress the culprit, but also the negative emotions that get trapped in the body and in the vital organs. Chronic sadness, grief, fear, anger, resentment, worry, and anxiety lowers the body’s ability to fight off sickness and disease by weakening the immune system.

Would you rather live with the pain of discipline or the pain of regret?

Neuroscientist Joe Dispenza often asks, “If thoughts can make you sick, can they make you well?”

Now is the time to do something new and different that will allow you to let go of having to continue enduring the experience of pain and suffering by awakening The Kemetic Yogi in you.

Self culture

Let’s look at self-culture as being the way an individual chooses to live their life by how they think, what they think, what and why they eat, structure for life, and philosophy and guiding principles of life. It’s how they are conditioned to respond to the world around them either by being the agent of change or simply part of the program.

How do you know when the simulation or program ends and another begins? 

What does it really mean to “free your mind” and remove yourself from what we know as the matrix? And after you “free your mind”, what’s next? 

How will you know when you are free?