Why take the Kemetic Yogi Challenge?
Realignment. Deeper realization of Self. Increase capacity to share and express love. Recommitting to being an open channel for infinite intelligence love light and wisdom to flow through me.
TO BE... ( I actually had no other reason BUT at the same time my reason was so much! So, TO BE: present, with community, working on my health and wellness, alone, WHOLE
I love yoga and wanted to join in with my friends.
How have you benefitted from this challenge?
Breathe work increased energy flow. Easier concentration on heart center (my focused area for the season). Feeling good about keeping commitments. Having an appointment to meet you and others provides motivation and inspiration to do what is beneficial which is the overall practice for me. It’s increases the momentum of commitment to expand and deepen my personal practice. Thankh you.
The very best use of my early morning time ever! I could feel a difference in my body after 3 days. Inspired to keep up the breathwork. Thanhk you Basu Ivory Kenan! The 7 day Kemetic Yogi Challenge was a life changing and life sustaining experience.
I feel more alert, I feel very accomplished that I made it. There were some days I said I would come and not participate but after the breath work, I HAD to finish each day! It was a self-achievement as well.